Friday, November 15, 2013

I do the cutting

      Whenever I see any westerns I look back at my childhood when you could almost always find my dad every Saturday watching a western on TV. When I was in my youth I guess I never understood what was so cool about them they were always to long and to boring, that is until some cowboys decided to shoot up a place. Once I heard gunfire I was out of my room and glued to the TV, but now that I'm slightly older I have come to love the story and the feel behind the most American of movie styles. Today I watched two westerns the first was an all American tale but the second was an Italian movie a spaghetti-western if you will. Today's movie is the most famous of them all it is of course the movie that made Clint Eastwood a  star The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. This movie is so great I can't even begin to describe it but I will try.

       The story is about the man with no name who is one the hunt for some gold along with his kind of friend Tuco and always behind and sometimes in front of them Angel Eyes. This movie is the first in the Dollars trilogy even if it came out last.This movie is so tense after every scene you breathe a sigh of relief because you are worried for the characters. The film uses a lot of cool camera angles and locations to really drive home the idea of the world that the characters are in. The film is long and could have cut out thirty minutes i think but I can't take a star off for that because this movie is so good.

        If you have never seen a western before watch this one. If you haven't seen this before watch this. If you need a pick me up or just want to be amazed I have the movie for you. This movie is not for the family but is ok for kids over ten as there is a bit of bloody violence. This movie is as good as The Man who Shot Liberty Valance is every way and in some ways outshines it. mostly when it comes to that iconic theme song.Seriously though go watch this right now.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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