Monday, November 4, 2013

Keep hope alive

     Today marks the day that I have only 300 movies left to watch. That's a lot. Today's movie was Do the Right Thing and what a movie it was. The movie is about racism and the affects it has on American lives. You may have guessed this if you knew the director was none other than Spike Lee the most pretentious and racist man on the face of the earth. I have beef with him pretty much only because he is a self righteous and is remaking one of my favorite movies Oldboy the remake looks terrible the original was a piece of art its on Netflix look it up as is today's movie. The movie follows a man named Mookie during the hottest day in the year a whopping 92 degrees, and the heat heats up (sorry for the pun) the race wars. The heat is about my ideal weather because I'm from Lake Havasu and our summers are around 115 to 120 so this 92 degrees isn't hot at all.

      The movie is shot in a style that can only be described as Spike Lee it's heavy on low angle shots and the use of primary colors as the source of his pallet. The film feels longer than it should but not by much, and the movie jumps a fair deal but that just the nature of the story. The acting is great and you feel for all the characters and that is a tough thing to do in today's age. Another great accomplishment is how this movie isn't just about how terrible white people are like all his other movies this one has other ethnic groups that are equally if not more racist. This way the movie doesn't seem one sided and is still a watchable movie. This movie's crowning achievement is the use of the camera to tell the story instead of a narrator. We aren't being feed the story we are living it and that's something I wash more movies would do.

          This movie is adult and not for young kids. If you aren't a fan of movies dealing with heavy topics shame on you and go watch this one because it is a good movie. My only drawback is sometimes the pacing felt off and the movie ran a bit long and should have ended at an earlier scene. But all and all this is a good movie.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 3.5 stars

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