Saturday, November 16, 2013

That'll be the day

     Today I started the day off with another western by the legendary John Ford and John Wayne. This is often called the teams best and for good reason it has influenced many films of the more modern age such as the excellent Taxi Driver. The movie is titled The Searchers and for those who haven't seen it shame on you. The story is about a family whose daughter is kidnapped by Indians, luckily they have an uncle named John Wayne and he does what he does best. The movie deals with many adult themes such as family, hope, and identity.  The movie is very deep and one of the best films I have ever seen but there are a few problems with it.

      The movie has some of the best scenery of all time and really shows what a movie could do. The costumes and acting are perfect I've seen few movies who have had such a great cast and chemistry. My first big issue and really my only issue is the fact that a comedic character has been added and he is terrible. This really ruins almost every scene that the character is in. However, the story is so powerful that I can overlook this small thing. The story is paced very well and there are no slow moments and this makes all the difference.

     This movie is one for the books all people should watch this one. There are few westerns that  are filmed better and have made a lasting impact. The film is truly a masterpiece and I've never been so touched by westerns. You all need to watch this one.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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