Saturday, September 21, 2013

I got some bad ideas in my head

     Taxi Driver is one of the most human movies I have ever seen, anyone who has seen it may not stand with me on that statement. This movie follows a man named Travis Bickle who is brilliantly portrayed by the great Robert De Niro. Travis is a Vietnam veteran who is a little unsound he can't sleep so he takes up twelve hour night shifts as a cabbie. We follow him as he sees the worst of the city crawl into his cab. After not being about to take to filth of New York he decides to kill criminals and "rescue" a underage prostitute. As I'm sure you guessed this movie is not for children nor is it for anyone who isn't mentally ready to see a very gruesome and philosophical film.
     The technical side of this film is wonderful all the things flow smoothly even the desaturated colors add a great touch. But the thing I want to talk about is the character of Travis. Travis is a man who doesn't think like the rest of us for example on his second date with a girl he takes her to a movie. But instead of any movie a girl would want to see he takes her to a porno she is horrified and offended. Travis is shocked that she reacted this way, because he doesn't think rationally. The thing that sets him off is a when he picks up a passenger played by the director the legendary Martin Scorsese who tells Travis how he plans to murder his cheating wife. Travis just thinks the right think to do is train to stop people who are evil.

     Is it right? We don't question him because the movie is through Travis's eyes. We almost agree  with him that its rational. That's is a great film its one that puts you in with the character. I won't give away the ending although it is often discussed scholarly. After this movie my roommate turned to me and asked what is the point of this movie. He said it felt like the man was insane. The point is that when we are alone all we want to do is connect with people. Travis is alone he just wants to help people because he hopes that they will talk to him after he does. The best example is what he says in front of his mirror. "You talking to me. I'm the only one here". This is a great film but a heavy film

 Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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