Monday, September 30, 2013

Yeah, well I saw it on TV first, then I made it up

     Since I skipped a movie on Saturday I'll be watching two today to make up for it also tomorrow check for my top ten movies of this month. To start today I watched Saturday Night Fever which is the movie I should have watched Saturday just because it was a pun. This movie follows around Tony (John Travolta) he's a dancing superstar in Brooklyn during the disco years and yes this movie is stocked with the Bee Jees. Tony goes through life training for a dance off while his friends and family screw up it's like a teenage coming to age movie except this one swears more than a sailor.

     I can't say I loved this movie because I was bored after thirty minutes and I wasn't really into it until the last twenty. But this movie isn't a throwaway like I thought Shane  was this movie just drags in the middle because the pacing is a bit off. The characters are never developed fully and that's a shame because I felt like that would have pushed the movie forward quite a bit. But I will say the atmosphere of the movie felt like I was back in the day. Pretty soon I'm going to say groovy like Ash from The Evil Dead 2.

     This movie had a lot going for it and I feel like it missed a heart which is kind of what this movie is about. The dancing is good and if your into shirtless John Travolta you won't be disappointed. Overall I think the movie was good but wasn't perfect. It was by no means a great film and I wouldn't have put it on this list. But I will say it's worth checking out if your a disco chick or if you like teen dramas. If those things aren't your grove then I can't really suggest it to you. It's cool but once was enough.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 3 stars

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