Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Just my rotten luck.

       In the world we live in we are subject to the cruelly of life everyday and few movies prove this more than the Italian film The Bicycle Thief. The movie was part of the neorealism movement that happened after world war two, I guess people were sick of fantasy after seeing horrors. The film is about a man who gets a job to provide for his family but all he needs is a bicycle. In the town it looks like unemployment is around 60% but that's just my guess. So his wife sells all her sheets and he gets his bike. But of course someone steals it, and then he goes through the next few days looking for his livelihood. The ending is almost as sad as the great Korean film Oldboy I mean this film is heartbreaking real. Check it out on Netflix.

       The film is all about real life so it uses natural light and real buildings. the only fake things in this movie are the actors, which is a feat in itself. There's not much to say about this film because it would spoil so much. I will say it's great, sad, and well acted. My favorite character is Bruno the son of the main character he follows his dad into a depressing journey. The reason why I like small children in movies is because they are so vulnerable and it helps us relate to them better.

        I remember watching this for the first time in film class no one hated this movie. In fact everyone was silent and just took it in. Much like I did in my last two reviews. I think that few modern movies have to power to do what this film does because we have strayed from real life. we are concerned with escaping, this movie doesn't let you escape it transports you into another life instead. Check this one out because it is such a powerful film and it just feels real. I dare you to try and hate this movie.

 Ebert's score 4 stars
 Tyler's score 4 stars

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