Sunday, September 8, 2013

"More human than human" is our motto

     To start off this week I was going to watch Superman but I couldn't find a copy in town so I decided to watch Blade Runner. Blade Runner follows a man named Deckard (Harrison Ford) as he is sent out to kill six robots that are more human than human. This is a simple enough film noiresque thing to do and it is done so beautifully. No doubt this world is breathtaking its got pretty much everything you would expect in a movie that takes place in the future because this film was the basis for most of the others. The most impressive thing about this movie is the set for sure but that's not the only thing worth mentioning.

      The score of this film is hauntingly beautiful and it fits the world that it helps the narrative. In fact pretty much everything in this movie is spot on the only thing I have a hard time with is the actors and the dialogue. For a film about trying to find out what people are really people the actors don't do many human things. This wouldn't be a problem but it really takes away from the story. And the dialogue isn't anything special with the exception of the famous tears in the rain monologue but half of that was addlibed.

      But I suppose that this movie is a movie about mortality and not really about how good a person can act. Most critics disagree with me and say the acting is just fine. Either way the director Ripley Scott has said on many occasions that this is just a film to entertain. And in that regard this film is great but I cant justify giving four stars because there's just something that never clicked for me.

Ebert's score 4 stars
Tyler's score 3.5 stars

Next time we get romantic with Casablanca

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