Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We Were like the Roman Empire

 Let me start off by saying that The Godfather Part Two is one of the best sequels of all time, anyone who denies this fact is stupid. Moving on there are some stuff in this movie I don't understand. For instance, I can't tell when characters are lying. This is going to be new to you who haven't seen this movie because all the characters are layered. In modern movies few characters are layered and i don't understand why. This movie is just as beautiful settingwise as the first one it might even be more breathtaking. There are a few scenes that take place in 1917 New York that blow my mind. The acting is good, Robert DeNiro is perfect as a young Don Vito and anyone who wants to study acting needs to look at Al Pacino's masterpiece of a character. However, all these great things don't make up for the one thing this movie lacks and that's a heart. Now I'm not saying that this film is heartless but we don't feel as much as we did in The Godfather. Maybe this is because the story is ten times darker and more psychological. Perhaps I just didn't see anything that made my heart ache like the first movie did. This movie is a classic and is great I just have to say that number one was better. After this movie was over I asked my roommates their opinions and both sat there not knowing how to answer me they both liked it but they said something was missing. I agree but I cant say what it is so i"ll stick with the heart thing. I recommend this movie as will most people, but unlike most people i do not think this is the superior picture.

Ebert's score 4 stars
Tyler's score 3.5 stars

Tomorrow's flick is the modern thriller Se7en

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