Sunday, September 15, 2013

I hate snakes

     Raiders of the lost arc is a wonderful start to a wonderful adventure trilogy. Yes lets get this out of the way I live in a world where my trilogy set came with this cool coaster but I don't remember there being a movie called Kingdom of the crystal Skull so I guess it was a typo. Indiana Jones is one of the most famous film characters ever and is number 2 on the American Film Institutes top heroes list. This movie is so cool and just so down right adventurous that every time a theme song plays I'm off to find artifacts.

     Lets take this time to deconstruct Indiana shall we? He's a teacher in the sense the joker is a clown. Indy has students who what to be with him he gets payed time off to hunt for treasure and shoot people. Oh  yeah he caries around a freaken bull whip. That's way to cool for the average teacher. Anyway he basically goes one this long quest to find the Arc of the Covenant. This movie's opening scene alone is so famous its been spoofed in at least one hundred ways ( This film is as fun as they come.

    This movie was a blast and everything in it was top notch to Indy's sarcastic wit to all the cool fights. And most importantly my favorite part ( Boom classic cinema this is one of the movies I say watch with the whole family and trivia it was one of the first PG-13 movies along with Grimlins.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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