Monday, September 16, 2013

I love the smell of napalm in the morning

     Apocalypse Now is one of the best movies I have ever seen and one of the most horrifying. The movie does many things that are absurd and we shall discuss it fully. The movie is about a soldier named Capt. Benjamin ( Martian Sheen) who has recently returned to Vietnam because he couldn't stand being out of the jungle. the Captain must voyage on a river boat in the middle of the war to kill the insane Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando). But that's just the plot I truly think the movie is about the insanity war brings to people and how it changes your perception. I've never seen combat and hopefully will never have to, Nor have I had the heart to ask my Grandfather a helicopter gunner how it was. I just hope it wasn't like this movie although I know it probably was to some. God Bless those in service or the veterans.

       This movie doesn't have any ending credits which itself is mind boggling, but it makes for a great close. After the climax I sat on my couch in total disbelief because I wasn't given the normal movie close. It forced me to think about the film more. Also this film isn't like most war films were its small battles and then a huge war its kind to the flip of that. The most spectacular scene is when Colonel Kilgore (Robert Duvall) blows up an enemy camp in helicopters and he blasts Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries to scare the charlies and to pump up his boys. Oh and all the animals are real if you've seen this film you know about the ending and that wasn't a fake animal.
          This movie has a lot of other things that are odd. All the actors that are stoned in the movie are stoned in real life. The Director  Francis Coppola (Godfather) lost 100 pounds filmed for six months and then edited for three years. It's nasty and a sight to behold.
          The reason why this movie is the best Vietnam film is because you get to watch every character go insane and get changed in every scene I don't want to give to much away but one man puts on his war paint to turn invisible and sprays purple smoke on the boat in enemy territory. Why? because he has seen to much horror which is what this movie is all about. War is hell and so is the effect this movie leaves with you. If you haven't seen it go on Netflix and watch it tonight and prepare to  experience a true film. Then tell me what you thought I'm curious

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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