Monday, September 2, 2013

Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli

 I believe in America, this line was the perfect start to a great movie. The Godfather is perhaps the most American of all gangster movies and one of the bests. I watched this movie for the first time when I was about ten, it was on T.V. and of course I had no idea what was going on my dad was way to into the film to explain it to me. It's one of those movies that every time I see it, it gets better. My roommates watched it today and unsurprisingly they were blown away. This movie is smart, exciting, and most of all full of heart. My favorite line is the title of this post. It happens after a minor character has his brains splattered all over the place and the only thing the killer can think of is how his wife wanted cannoli. This may be a gangster movie but it's all about the struggle of a family. The lighting is stunning it is almost always dark and heavy when business is talked about but when the plans are put into action it's bright as day. The acting from Marlon Brando as the Don of this family was indeed Oscar worthy. His speech is soft and can be hard to hear but that's the point, it forces you to listen very closely so you don't miss anything. Al Pacino is riveting as the young Michael Corleone his acting is so subtle in some scenes you might miss the brilliance, I think of the restaurant scene when you see his eyes twitch for a few seconds. These seconds are so intense your eyes might just twitch. Robert Duvall (Tom Hagen) and James Caan ( Sonny Corleone) bring something to the cast that is breathtaking. The set design is wonderful as is the score. However the film is really a marvel in editing. If you ask any of my friends or fellow students of my film classes they will all say I hate crazy editing, I think it takes away from the movie that's why I hate Moulin Rouge! . The Godfather is the best example of what editing should be. There are many scenes of Parallel Editing ,showing two things that are happening at the same time, that just compel the movie forward anyone who has seen the film is  thinking of the ending right now with a feeling of awe. If you haven't seen this movie I recommend you turn off you phone, lock yourself in your room, and watch the movie. You wont regret it because this is what every gangster movie is supposed to be.

Ebert's score 4 stars
Tyler's score 4 stars

Tune in tomorrow for my review of the sequel of this classic film. The Godfather part 2

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