Monday, September 30, 2013

Myself as I am, not as I'd like to be.

     There are few movie's so far on this list that I disagree with and today I watched a movie that I absolutely hated. That film is the Italian "masterpiece" 8 1/2. So fair warning this will be a rant. The movie is about a film maker who doesn't have his heart in his next project so he spends his time thinking back on his youth and not talking to anyone else in the creative process. This movie is much like Akira Kurosawa's Dreams except it isn't as good. By that I mean the movie is clearly about the actual film director's life and the movie's lack of caring is the directors feelings that he would rather not do movie's he is pressured into.

      The movie follows no narrative but I'm ok with that I gave The Man with a Movie Camera four stars and that has no narrative. This movie flows so slow I could carry a boulder up a mountain before anything important happens. Now I don't want to sound like I totally hated this movie because I did enjoy one scene where the director is remembering himself as a child on the beach. But other than that scene I find no love in this movie.

      I know I must be wrong because this is often hailed to be a near perfect film about movie making but this movie takes all the wonder away from the behind the camera. Instead go watch My Week with Marilyn or Hitchcock. Do not waste your time with this one, but if you understand it please tell me. I guess the best way to describe this movie is one with no aim and no ambition. The movie itself is about a movie with no heart so perhaps that's what this movie is.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 1.5 stars

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