Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Force is what Gives a Jedi his Power

 I don't remember much of my childhood but on of the things I recall is watching Star Wars on VHS. I remember I would have to rewind it before I started them because I could never rewind after the movie was done. VHS is now thankfully out of date and Blu-ray is in. Anyway I must have been the only kid in the world who trilogied it up once a week, and I think it's mostly for that reason alone that I love A New Hope as much as I do. For the one person in the world who doesn't know A New Hope is the first movie or the original Star Wars trilogy and while it's not my favorite of the movies, it is a beautiful film indeed. Although all the cgi in the newer version is distracting and looks terrible compared to the practical effects (not the other way around) and Han shoots first (Darth Lucas doesn't want you to know about this very important plot point). It is still a wonderful film. The plot is basic enough that even a three year old could understand it. Luke is good, Darth Vader is bad and the bad guys lose. However, it is this simplicity that makes the story so effective. This romantic tale is especially strong when paired with The Empire Strikes Back which may be the perfect tragic tale. A New Hope is timeless and a classic by any means of the word, and while it may not be as good as Empire it is still a must see movie. This is primarily for the costumes in the Catina and the great acting by Obi-Wan (Alec Guinness) and Han Solo (Harrison Ford). The main reason why it's so great is just simply the fact that the movie sticks with you, I myself feel five again every time I hear that magical opening score. This movie does have its faults namely all the changes but some minor ones such as the count down on the death star is numbered by a clock and the actors cant tell the time right, and the stormtrooper that bumps his head. These mistakes take barely anything from the movie though. In fact if you only have time enough for fifteen movies in your life I would put this on your list for sure.

Ebert's score 4 stars
Tyler's score 4 stars
Ebert grades on a four star scale for some confusing reason. Tomorrows film is the gangster classic The Godfather.

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