Monday, September 9, 2013

We need tanks!! Thank you.

     As I'm sure many of you are aware of I'm not doing Casablanca I also think I'm diverting from my path to much so I wont say what I'm watching tomorrow because it may change. Today I watched Duck Soup this is arguably the most famous of all the Marx brother's movies and is on Nextflix instant stream. This movie was full of subtle and not so subtle comedy and I did chuckle quite a bit. My favorite scene was a smart and brilliantly choreographed one where two characters mirror each other perfectly. The sets were built very nicely and the camera flowed like the silent films of old.

     The film follows a newly appointed leader of Freedonia (a clever satire) who is crass and not generally a man of the people. He is pursued by two spies send from an enemy country in order to take over the kind people of Freedonia. The film is funny and the characters well acted its normal Marx brother stuff so don't expect your sides to split. I suppose I'm just more a stooges kind of guy. This film was short and to the point. and there's not much I can really say about it other than its worth watching but it isn't a "Great Movie".

       If your bored or are looking to entertain yourself for an hour go and check it out on Netflix. I doubt you'll be disappointed but I doubt you'll die laughing either, that is why I'm giving this film a lower score. It's not bad it's just nothing great.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 3 stars

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