Thursday, October 24, 2013

All things come from God

    Most of the times when we watch a movie about the crucifixion of Jesus we are in for a heart wrenching film filled with gore and hard stuff to watch. Who didn't cry during The Passion of the Christ. Today's movie isn't that but it is a movie about Jesus's death. The Last Temptation of Christ isn't the same as every other movie in this genre and that is want makes it arguably better. The movie follows Jesus as he is on the road to dead but does so in a different way. Instead of having Jesus be all god they make him a human and a god. This is hard to explain so let me just say he has all the human wants and desires and regularly tries to go after them. This movie is touching and was very moving but not in a religious way but in a very human way.

     The music is something I want to talk about because it was always on my mind. It isn't what you expect and feels much more modern than what I would have put there. However, this music drives us like any good score and it's clash with the times solidifies Christ's flash with his dad. The acting is wonderful as Willem DaFoe portrays Jesus (I know it sounds odd but after you let go of it he does wonderfully) and the always great Harvey Keitel plays Judas. The story is very well paced and doesn't feel like the almost three hours it is and that is always a good thing. I think one thing this movie does better than most is allow camera to shoot from some odd places. There are many back of the head shots which are normally hard for me to watch but this one scene was breathtaking.

     This movie may offend some so if you are a very religious person this may not be the film for you because it is not based off of the gospels. However f you re looking for a moving picture about humanity in us all then this is the one for you. It is on Instant Stream and is one of the best on it. I highly recommend this for being so though provoking and being for moving.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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