Saturday, October 19, 2013

I was the tool and you were the victim

     Vertigo is quite the thrilling movie but that isn't to shocking being that it was directed by the master of suspense himself, Alfred Hitchcock. This is often stated as his best work and for good reason. It's funny to think that at the time it was filmed and shown many people hated it and Hitchcock him self thought he was done. I think the reason was because the movie has two acts that are very separated and it feels like two movies. The first act is all I shall discuss as to not reveal any spoilers. The movie follows John Ferguson (James Stewart) who is hired by Galvin Elster to shadow his wife played by Kim Novak. The wife may or may not be possessed by a ghost of her great grandmother and Mr. Ferguson is in one jumble of a mess.

    Hitchcock was a true master of cinema and like all masters he added something to the techniques used while filming. In Vertigo to experience vertigo as John does in many scenes Hitchcock had a clever little camera trick made. He zoomed out and pulled the camera in at the same time, pure genius. The movie also uses a lot of symbolism. This is one great movie and you need to go and rent this one if you want a nice thrill.

     I remember when I first saw this movie I didn't think I understood it all the way. This time however I was blown away by every thing in the frames.  This is one of the most perfect films I have ever seen and should hop at the top of your list. The best thing about this movie is hard to explain if there even is one because this whole movie works together perfectly to make an exciting experience.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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