Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I need him like the ax needs the turkey.

     It's fair to say that I have a soft spot for rom-coms as long as they're good.  The Lady Eve is one of those. It's about a man who falls in love with a girl on a cruise ship back to America the lady is a con woman who with the help of her father tricks the boy into giving up 32,000 dollars. The boy returns to America and is tricked by the same girl who is under the alias Eve. They fall in love and get married and then the ploy falls from there. Either way you look at it this boy isn't the brightest of men.

     For those of you who haven't seen this gem its on instant stream and I recommend it highly. The movie itself is funny and the sets are lavish I'm always amazed by sets in these old movies and I don't know why but they seem to have a sort of character to them. The costumes also deserve praise whether it's the almost Bogey style dinner jackets or the wedding veil that's almost twenty yards long this move gets all the stuff right down to brass tacks.

     The comedy is very slapstick with a lot of wit kind of like if the Marx Brothers and the Three Stooges colabed for a movie. And all the characters are swell. The mans caretaker is very Popeyeish and Eve herself has all the qualities of a film noir femme fatle. This movie is short and sweet which I like in most cases. My only critique is that I wish that some of the minor characters had bigger role. The man's caretaker is the funniest man in the film and barely says anything. Oh well it is still a great movie.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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