Monday, October 21, 2013

My theory is that everyone is a potential murderer

     Were delving into a bit more Hitchcock. This was the first one I ever saw and one of the best movies he has ever made. And this movie is Strangers on a Train. The movie follows a tennis player named Guy Haines ( Farley Granger) who meets a crazy guy named Bruno Anthony ( Robert Walker) on a train. On the train Bruno starts talking to Guy about the perfect murder and tells him that he will kill Guy's wife if Guy kills his dad. Guy just thinks Bruno is joking and then Bruno does it. What does Guy do how will he clear his named. Watch this awesome picture to find out.

       One of my favorite things about this movie is Bruno I think he is one of my favorite Hitchcock villains because he is so crazy. This film is of course very suspenseful and perfect in that way. The movie feels a little more real to me than Vertigo but I don't know if it is as good. This movie isn't bad but it shouldn't be your first Hitchcock film. This movie has a lot of great music and great acting. The best scene is the editing in tennis game. I talked a lot about The Godfather nad the final scene and the editing and this film is almost as good.

      I think that this movie is one of my favorite movies I have seen this month and will for sure be on my top ten for this month. I think that on this list there are a lot of Hitchcock films and even if your not a film fan you need to watch all of his flicks because they truly are great movies. And this movie isn't an exception

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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