Monday, October 21, 2013

Once upon a time

     Un Chien Andalou is a short film that experiments hard with the ideas of realism and dreams. This whole movie is about a dream that the artist Salvador Dali had. This movie feels very much lie one of his paintings and is on of the most disturbing short films I have ever seen. Yes it feels dated but it is a classic. The movie opens with one of the most brutal things I can think of and that is slicing a real eyeball on screen. The eyeball is a calf's eye just a bit of worthless info. Then the story follows this one eyed girl who now has two eyes. Her boyfriend has ants that come out of his hand and there are a few donkeys inside of a piano. This movie is twenty minutes of what am I watching.

      This movie would be a good film to start out with on you Halloween movie marathon (My roommates and my list of to ten movies to watch on Halloween will come out Friday). This movie really feels like a dad dream because there is no plot only one weird thing after another. Normally we would just toss this out of the window but here we accept this as what it is. Brilliant. No one can deny the sheer brilliance it took to make this in the twenties. This movie just has a certain feeling to it that I'm having a hard time putting into words but I think it is dread. This whole movie your sitting there wondering what is going to happen next.

      If you've ever been to a David Bowie concert you may have already seen this as he loves to show this before he goes on stage, thank you IMDB. Seriously though if you are bored and want to know what kind of craziness I watched the link is here. ( Do not click if you have a problem with nudity in movies as there is a bit of it in this picture.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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