Sunday, October 13, 2013

We all go a little mad sometimes

      If you haven't guessed today's movie by the title I'm sorry. Today's movie is the first slasher movie and one of the best. It is of course Psycho directed by the mastermind Alfred Hitchcock. Psycho is one of those movies that was almost not made and full of cinema firsts such as the first toilet on screen. The movie is about a young woman who steals 40,000 dollars and runs away to see her lover but she first goes to the  legendary Bates motel. She meets the charming and kind Norman Bates perfectly acted by Anthony Perkins. To bad she also meets his crazy mother. This movie also has one of the most amazing twists of all time and I feel bad but I spoiled it in my film class and some people haven't seen in. It's not like it's almost fifty years old or anything.

      The movie is one of Hitchcock's best and for good reason. When it hit theaters he made a list for all the owners on how to show his movie. The curtains must close right after the credits. No one was to come in late or spoil the movie. In the underrated movie Hitchcock  which is about the making of this very movie. We hear the sounds from the infamous shower scene and the sounds of the audience screaming. Alfred does exactly what I think he would have done he dances like a maniac. This is one of history's best horror films and I think that has largely to do with the calmness of Norman.

     If you haven't seen this classic and like horror movies give it a shot for sure. And do not spoil the ending for anyone because you don't know who has and who hasn't seen it. This is the perfect Halloween movie because it's just so creepy. And if you want to commit a crime of your own go rent the shot for shot remake with Vince Vaughn... Don't you wouldn't even want to show that to a person you hate.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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