Sunday, October 20, 2013

Farewell and ado to you fair spanish ladies

     Jaws is a wonderful horror film that almost sucks, more on that soon. First allow me to summarize the story to the two people in the world who haven't seen this film. The story is about a small Island named Amity who's water has a huge great white shark living in it. Our hero Brody who is a police chief played by Roy Scheider decides after a few gruesome attacks that he has to go on board of the Orca along with marine biologist Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) and Captain Quint ( Robert Shaw). This movie is often hailed for being one of the best horror films of all times and definitely belongs on that list.

     Jaws almost sucked because the shark was going to be n almost every shark. This would have ruined the movie because all the suspense would have been gone. And because the shark wouldn't look horrifying after 20 shots. Not that this shark isn't scary. The shark instead had a lot of malfunctions show it had to stay mostly off screen this little change made a huge difference to this Moby Dick like tale.

     The thing that really works for this movie though is the music. This score is so famous if you hum one line almost anyone in almost every country would be able to name the movie. The only more famous score I can think off is the shower scene in Psycho. This movie needs to be on your watch list for sure and your rewatch list if you don't have already. Do not forget to pack your boat.......Make sure it's a big one.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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