Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The man had two loves his engine and his wife

     I have a soft spot in my heart for the films of Buster Keaton I don't know why maybe it's how funny they are compared to today's movies. Maybe it's the slight cynicism they contain. However, I think it's Buster's famous stoic expressions I just love when people just don't care when things are going bad. If your looking for a more modern example of what I mean go watch the dark comedy Happiness(do not watch this movie unless your at least seventeen). If I had to chose my all time favorite Buster movie it would be the movie of today The General.

     The movie is about an engineer who is rejected from serving the confederacy but they forgot to mention it was because he was to valuable to fight. The Union steals the train who our main character loves so much and kidnaps his lover. Our hero fights his way on the rails and gets the girl but will he get home. This movie's plot is simple but the movie is anything but that. he movie uses so many film ideas that I would consider modern day stuff. In one scene Buster just sits on the wheel piston as it cranks which is just a remarkable shot.

     The movie is just full of humor that has been lost in the valley of time. I am sick of comedies just trying to be about getting laid, getting married, and other overly done plots. This movie uses physical humor but it isn't slapstick it's more sophisticated. This movie is more of a three stooges movie if you took out the stooges and replaced them with a man with a stone face. The funny stuff happens but our hero just stares at them with no emotion. It's about an hour and on Instant stream I suggest you watch it.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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