Thursday, October 31, 2013

You know how people are

     Today I watched the wonderful film Days of Heaven. This movie is on instant and well worth the hour and a half to watch it. The movie isn't a game changer as many on this list this month have been but it is still a good romance movie. The movie is about a steel mill worker who murders someone. Him and his wife go on the train to get away under the guise as brother and sister so they wont be suspected for the killing. Soon they find a large farm to work on and the owner is dying and fancies the steel workers wife. This leads to an idea to make money but does it work?

      The movie really isn't anything super and that is the sad truth, however this doesn't make it a bad movie. The acting is great  it really is top notch. The costumes are very good and this is perhaps the most important aspect of a period piece because if it doesn't look right it wont feel right. The story is very touching as is the rest of the film but I just felt as if something was missing from this flick. This wouldn't be a problem and isn't really a big deal but it really bothered me.

      If you are a fan of a good romance movie this is the one for you. If you don't like romance don't watch this one. I hate to be as black and white about this movie as I am being but that's almost how it is with this movie. Personally I prefer my romance movies to be on two tiers like Drive.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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