Wednesday, October 16, 2013

You can't love me

    Hey guys sorry about yesterday's lack of film but life is crazy hopefully by Friday I'll have two movies for you, but in order to make it up I found a wonderful film on Netflix Instant that was captivating to say the least. Monsieur Hire is French movie that came out about thirty years ago and it's short just about an hour and twenty minutes, but there is something magical about it. The film is about a taioer who's world is all black and white and prim and proper except everyone hates him and he spends his nights spying on his neighbor. His female neighbor's boyfriend killed a woman and Monsieur Hire our hero is getting framed for it. Hire and his neighbor have a strange connection both know what is going on and both let it happen. Is it love? I honestly can't say but you need to watch this one.

     The story takes place mostly in one room and the soundtrack is one song that Monsieur Hire just keeps playing on his record player  over and over like it is the only record he owns. The story follows heavily form the classic Rear Window but it doesn't evolve as Rear window does. Instead the characters are stagnant almost as if life is a loop. Hire only wears one coat and as a tailer that is almost unfeasible but it tells us a lot about him. Imagine Travis Bickle if he just drove the cab instead of acting on it, that is what Hire does. The acting is very subtle and it works so well I almost feel as if the actors aren't acting and they're just being human.

      I will say that this movie is almost to simple but is that a bad thing? In some cases yes but in this case no. We are not so much worried about the plot as much as we are worried about the feeling the movie gives us. This movie moved me deeply and not because of anything in the mise-en-scene but solely with the acting and the characters themselves. This isn't a movie for everyone but if you are looking for a truly human experience check this one out.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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