Saturday, October 12, 2013

The world is yours

     Yesterday I watched Scarface but a lot of stuff stopped me from writing a review. Curse your time!!! However, the future is now so let's begin. This movie is about is about Tony Montana (Al Pacino) who is a a cocaine dealing gangster on the rise in Miami. Tony is one of the most famous movie characters of all time he is the Paula Dean of movie characters. But, instead of putting butter on everything he puts cocaine on everything and by on everything I mean his nose.

     This movie is one of the trinity of gangster movies along with The Godfather and Goodfellas.  The acting in this movie is great and Al Pacino is of course outstanding in this film. The sets are lavish as are all the eighties suits.  This movie has so much going for it that it's redundant to talk about them all. But, this movie works for one major reason and that is the fact that it doesn't hold anything back. I feel like in this day and age holding things back is so overdone because people are afraid of what parents will say. There are of course exceptions to a genre of films that show everything and the kitchen sink A Serbian Film but with gangster films it seems that style is in and content is out.

     We have become accustom to the overly terrible gangster movies of today that I feel like we should all turn our heads towards the past. Scarface may be graphic and many say over the top but you have to remember that the main character is over the top and a very sick and graphic kind of man. All he has is his balls and his word and he don't break them for nobody.

Ebert's score 4 stars

Tyler's score 4 stars

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